Allocated Orders
Season’s Greetings,
We have completed order allocation and posted a current availability on our website. If you submitted a Spring Order for allocation, we will begin sending those out 12/17/2024. If you have not received your allocated order by 12/20/2024, please contact your salesman or our office. Allocated orders will be sent to brokers and salesmen for them to disseminate to their customers. House accounts will receive orders directly from our Orders email like always.
General Trends: this year the average fill rate was around 75%. Many orders fared much better with a 90-100% fill rate. These tended to be balanced orders. A few orders were not viable with a 0-10% fill rate. These tended to be unbalanced orders skewed heavily with limited varieties or sizes. E.g., dogwoods, redbuds, cherries, ginkgo, Taylors, large Green Giants, and specialty boutique-type plants like Nightfall Styrax, Stewartia, Mahogany Bark Cherry, etc.
Here are the key things to look for on your Acknowledgment:
Pay close attention to the “Confirmed” column. This tells you how many you’re expected to get for that line item. You can tell it is a substitution being offered by looking at the “Ordered” column directly to the left of the Confirmed column. If it has a “0” in the Ordered column then it is a substitute (either in size, variety, or style (B&B v. Cans)).
Acceptability of substitutions – if you do not want the substitutions we offered, please notify us immediately so we can put those back on availability.
Shippability of your order – for those that did not have a high fill rate please decide if it is feasible or desirable and let us know ASAP.
You may notice that an item you ordered was shorted and it now shows up on availability. This is unavoidable as the system is dynamic and changes are made in real time. If you want to add those items back to your order, please contact your sales rep.
Cancellations or changes are due by Friday, January 3rd, 2025. This allows you to look for alternatives during the Trade Show season and allows us to offer a correct availability. Late cancellations may be subject to a re-stocking fee or affect future order fill rates.
We did our best to maximize order fill rates. Like you, we are in the business of growing and selling plants. We all do better when we all do better. Thank you for placing your order and putting your trust in us.
We hope to see you in Baltimore at the MANTS show from January 8-10th in booth 320-322.
Happy Holidays,

Botanico, Inc. was founded in 1983 by Bob Flanders and Dabney Turley. Bob’s son, Jon Flanders was elected President of Botanico in 2014. Botanico is primarily a wholesale nursery that grows shade and ornamental trees and shrubs in both containers and field grown B&B.
Available for viewing, Botanico's Smart-Tree* Revolution!
Click "HERE" below to preview our "Birds Eye View" video. You can also find this video along with still photos from the main menu bar; by simply hovering over "Botanico Productions - A Birds Eye View" and choose to see our Smart-Tree Productions from either a "Birds Eye View" or still photos.
Click HERE
We are on the leading edge of a worldwide revolution in the Green Industry: Introducing Smart-Trees* by Botanico – “The Plant People”
Smart-Trees* are solar powered with hundreds, even thousands of efficient solar panels that provide 100% of the tree’s photosynthetic energy. These energy panels are naturally renewable making Smart-Trees* environmentally sustainable. Smart-Trees* are produced right here in America from nature’s own nanotechnology. Botany is real science!
More importantly, Smart-Trees* are 100% environmentally friendly. They create cleaner air, cleaner soil, and prevent erosion giving us cleaner water.
But wait, there’s more! Smart-Trees* are not only environmentally friendly, they add value, artistry, shade, and beauty to every landscape. Be a part of the Smart-Tree* revolution! Botanico – your Smart-Tree* source.
*Smart-Trees* are not copyrighted or trademarked.
© 2021 Proudly Created by Our In-House Publishing Team